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- StudySmarter
The All-In-One learning platform
StudySmarter is the all-in-one study app offering AI-powered assistance, tailored explanations, and dynamic quizzes to make studying effective and fun. Access millions of study sets, flashcards, and mock exams, and create flashcards and notes in seconds with AI, all seamlessly integrated into one comprehensive platform available on mobile and desktop. Enjoy features like smart task lists, spaced repetition, and offline mode, ensuring a stress-free and efficient learning experience. Try it for 8,99 EUR per month, 1 week free.
StudySmarter is the ultimate digital learning app offering expert-created study sets, millions of flashcards, and a personalized study planner to revolutionize your learning experience. Create flashcards and notes in seconds with AI and achieve academic success effortlessly. Ideal for school kids and students.
You can learn any kind of content more efficiently, structured, and motivating with StudySmarter. It's up to you which content you want to upload and which you would like to learn. We have developed StudySmarter primarily for pupils and students, but this does not mean you can't learn with StudySmarter if you are not a student (anymore).
Studysmarter Premium offers extended functions and benefits that go beyond the free offer. These usually include:
Ad-free use: no annoying ads, so you can focus more on studying.
Extended access to content: Access to a wider range of learning content, such as more study materials, practice exercises, summaries and flashcards.
Additional features: Premium users often receive additional features such as advanced analysis tools, personalized learning plans and detailed statistics on their learning progress.
Offline access: With the premium version, you can also use learning content offline, which is particularly practical when you are on the move and have no access to the internet.
The discounted subscription of EUR 4.49 per month as part of the Christmas offer will be charged together in your A1 bill. The subscription will then be automatically renewed each month. The discounted price is valid for 6 months, after which the regular price of EUR 8.99 will be charged. The subscription always runs from the date of purchase and is independent of the A1 billing cycle.
StudySmarter can be canceled by the user, in the customer area, subject to a one-month notice period to the (recurring) effective date of registration. Simply click on your avatar picture (user account), select "My account" and "Manage my packages" and click on Cancel.
Cancellation of an A1 Telekom Austria AG mobile phone contract for the A1, B.free, Bob and Red Bull Mobile brands automatically leads to the cancellation of the additional order for StudySmarter.