Privacy Policy

Data protection at A1

On May 25, 2018, the new EU General Data Protection Regulation (EU-DSGVO for short) came into force. This regulation primarily serves to protect natural persons when processing personal data. Safe and sensitive handling of data is also a top priority for A1. We have also submitted to the Code of Conduct for Internet Service Providers (ISP).
These rules of conduct deal with industry-specific peculiarities that result, for example, from regulation in the telecommunications sector.

Privacy Policy Games Unlimited

Privacy Policy: Games Unlimited
For A1, the secure and sensitive handling of data is the top priority. You can trust us to handle your data securely - this is very important to us. We therefore comply with European and national data protection regulations, in particular the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Data Protection Act (DSG) and the Telecommunications Act (TKG). An essential part of this is making our data protection regulations transparent for all those affected.

The app offers access to a variety of different games, which can also be shared with friends or saved as favorites. Games can be played directly in the app. To access the app, the mobile A1 phone number must be entered and the login confirmed with a one-time PIN.

The personal data is provided to us by you, the data subject.

If you conclude a contract with us for the service, we process the personal data to fulfill the contract (Article 6 (1) (b) GDPR). If you have given us your consent, which can be revoked at any time (Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. a GDPR), we will process your data in order to provide you with information about our services or services with additional benefits or services up to three years after the end of our contractual relationship. Submit third party products and services. We use the following communication channels, if you have given us these: telephone, e-mail, SMS, post or social media channels.

A1 cooperates with its partner Mondia Media Germany GmbH to provide the contractually agreed service. In this case, our partner acts as our data protection processor. We transmit your mobile A1 phone number to our processor, who operates the games platform and makes the games and game content available.

The app evaluates your usage behavior by processing the mobile A1 phone number and the IP address to improve the A1 Games Unlimited service and for advertising and marketing purposes. The usage behavior is evaluated in aggregated form. In the system settings of the app, you can configure the evaluation of usage behavior as you wish.

Usage behavior means:
name of the game
playing time
type of browser
operating system
Location data (country, city, region)

Mixpanel and web analysis services from Google Inc. (Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager) are used to analyze user behavior. When deleting the app, the collected data will also be deleted.

To receive notifications via the push function, these must be activated or otherwise deactivated in the app's system settings.The personal data will not be transferred to a third country or to an international organization.We will delete your personal data once all statutory retention requirements have expired. A storage beyond the duration of the contractual relationship exists if this data is still required to charge or collect fees, to process complaints (there is a three-month objection period for these) or to fulfill other legal obligations, such as according to the Federal Fiscal Code (§ 207f BAO) or company code (§ 212 UGB). For reasons of proper bookkeeping and pending audits by the tax authorities, your data will generally be stored for 7 years (from the end of the contract) (§ 207f BAO), unless longer storage is necessary due to ongoing proceedings. Books and records, and supporting documents relating to the books and records, are also retained for as long as they are relevant to pending proceedings. Of course, access to the data mentioned is restricted so that it can only be accessed by those employees who carry out processing for the purposes mentioned above.

Right of providing information:
You can request confirmation as to whether and to what extent A1 Telekom Austria AG is processing your data. In order to protect the data, it may be necessary for us to carry out an identity check.

Right to rectification:
If A1 Telekom Austria AG processes your personal data that is incomplete or incorrect, you can request that it be corrected or completed at any time.Right to restriction of processing: You can request that the processing of your data be restricted if:you contest the accuracy of the data for a period of time that enables us to verify the accuracy of the data.A1 Telekom Austria AG no longer needs the data for the intended purpose, but you still need this data to assert or defend legal claims, or you have lodged an objection to the processing of the data.

Right to data portability:
You can request that A1 Telekom Austria AG provides the data provided in a structured, common and machine-readable format, provided that:this data is processed on the basis of a given and revocable consent or to fulfill a contract, and this processing is carried out using automated procedures.

Right to object:
If A1 Telekom Austria AG processes your data to perform tasks in the public interest, to exercise public authority or invokes the need to protect your legitimate interest when processing, you can object to this data processing if there is an overriding interest in protecting the data data exists.If the personal data is processed on the basis of a consent you have given, you have the right to revoke the consent at any time without affecting the legality of the processing carried out on the basis of the consent up to the revocation. If you are of the opinion that we are violating Austrian or European data protection law when processing your data, we ask you to contact us so that we can clarify any questions. Of course, you also have the right to complain to the Austrian data protection authority ( and to a supervisory authority within the EU.

The provision of the personal data is necessary for the provision of the contractually owed services; if the data is not provided, a contract may not be concluded.

A1 Telekom Austria AG does not make any automated decisions for the above-mentioned processing purposes that would have legal effect or significantly affect you in a similar way.

My agreement can be revoked at any time. Further information on the subject of data protection can be found at processing of the data is unlawful, but you refuse to delete it and instead request a restriction of data use,

Privacy Policy Gymondo

Datenschutz: A1 Fitness by Gymondo
Für A1 steht der sichere und sensible Umgang mit Daten an oberster Stelle. Sie können darauf vertrauen, dass wir mit Ihren Daten sicher umgehen – das ist uns sehr wichtig. Wir halten uns daher an die europäischen und nationalen Datenschutzbestimmungen, insbesondere die Datenschutzgrundverordnung (DSGVO), das Datenschutzgesetz (DSG) und das Telekommunikationsgesetz (TKG). Ein wesentlicher Teil davon ist, unsere Regelungen bezüglich des Datenschutzes für alle Betroffenen transparent zu machen.

Welche personenbezogenen Daten werden verarbeitet?
Für die Nutzung des Services A1 Fitness by Gymondo („Service“) wird ein Registrierungslink zur Aktivierung des Services an den Kunden gesendet. Die Verrechnung des Abonnements erfolgt über die A1-Rechnung unter Berücksichtigung des aktuellen Abo-Status des Kunden.

Woher stammen die personenbezogenen Daten?
Die personenbezogenen Daten werden uns von Ihnen, dem/der Betroffenen, zur Verfügung gestellt.

Auf welcher Rechtsgrundlage werden die Daten verarbeitet?
Wenn Sie mit uns einen Vertrag für das Service abschließen, dann verarbeiten wir die personenbezogenen Daten zur Erfüllung des Vertrages (Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. b DSGVO).

Wenn Sie uns Ihre jederzeit widerrufbare Einwilligung (Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a DSGVO) erteilt haben, dann verarbeiten wir Ihre Daten um Ihnen, auch bis zu drei Jahren nach Beendigung unseres Vertragsverhältnisses, Informationen über unsere Serviceleistungen oder Dienste mit Zusatznutzen bzw. Produkte und Serviceleistungen Dritter unterbreiten dürfen. Dabei nutzen wir folgende Kommunikationskanäle, sofern Sie uns diese genannt haben: Telefon, E-Mail, SMS, Post oder Social Media Kanäle.

An wen werden die personenbezogenen Daten übermittelt?
A1 kooperiert zur Erbringung der vertraglich vereinbarten Leistung über seinen Partner Mondia Media Germany GmbH mit Gymondo GmbH.

Werden die Daten an ein Drittland oder eine internationale Organisation übermittelt?
Die personenbezogenen Daten werden weder an ein Drittland noch an eine internationale Organisation übermittelt.

Wie lange werden meine personenbezogenen Daten verarbeitet?
Ihre personenbezogenen Daten löschen wir nach Ablauf aller gesetzlichen Aufbewahrungspflichten. Eine Speicherung über die Dauer des Vertragsverhältnisses hinaus besteht dann, wenn diese Daten noch benötigt werden, um Entgelte zu verrechnen oder einzubringen, Beschwerden (für diese gibt es eine dreimonatige Einspruchsfrist) zu bearbeiten oder sonstige gesetzliche Verpflichtungen zu erfüllen, wie etwa gemäß Bundesabgabenordnung (§ 207f BAO) oder Unternehmensgesetzbuch (§ 212 UGB). Ihre Daten werden aus Gründen der ordnungsgemäßen Buchführung und anhängigen Prüfungen durch die Finanzbehörde grundsätzlich 7 Jahre (ab Vertragsende) aufbewahrt (§ 207f BAO), außer eine längere Aufbewahrung ist aufgrund laufender Verfahren nötig. Bücher und Aufzeichnungen sowie die zu den Büchern und Aufzeichnungen gehörigen Belege werden ebenfalls so lange aufbewahrt, als sie für anhängige Verfahren von Bedeutung sind. Natürlich wird der Zugriff auf die genannten Daten beschränkt, sodass sie nur mehr von jenen Mitarbeitern aufgerufen werden können, welche Verarbeitungen für die zuvor genannten Zwecke durchführen.

Welche Rechte habe ich, wenn meine personenbezogenen Daten verarbeitet werden?
Auskunftsrecht: Sie können eine Bestätigung darüber verlangen, ob und in welchem Ausmaß A1 Telekom Austria AG Ihre Daten verarbeitet. Zum Schutz der Daten kann es erforderlich sein, dass wir eine Identitätsprüfung durchführen.

Recht auf Berichtigung: Verarbeitet A1 Telekom Austria AG personenbezogene Daten von Ihnen, die unvollständig oder unrichtig sind, so können Sie jederzeit deren Berichtigung bzw. deren Vervollständigung verlangen

Recht auf Löschung: Sie können die Löschung von personenbezogenen Daten verlangen, sofern A1 Telekom Austria AG diese unrechtmäßig verarbeitet oder die Verarbeitung unverhältnismäßig in berechtigte Schutzinteressen eingreift. Es kann jedoch Gründe geben, die einer sofortigen Löschung entgegenstehen, z.B. im Fall von gesetzlich geregelten Aufbewahrungspflichten.

Recht auf Einschränkung der Verarbeitung: Sie können die Einschränkung der Verarbeitung Ihrer Daten verlangen, wenn
− Sie die Richtigkeit der Daten bestreiten, und zwar für eine Dauer, die es uns ermöglicht, die Richtigkeit der Daten zu überprüfen.
− die Verarbeitung der Daten unrechtmäßig ist, Sie aber eine Löschung ablehnen und stattdessen eine Einschränkung der Datennutzung verlangen,
− A1 Telekom Austria AG die Daten für den vorgesehenen Zweck nicht mehr benötigt, Sie diese Daten aber noch zur Geltendmachung oder Verteidigung von Rechtsansprüchen brauchen, oder
− Sie Widerspruch gegen die Verarbeitung der Daten eingelegt haben.

Recht auf Berichtigung: Verarbeitet A1 Telekom Austria AG personenbezogene Daten von Ihnen, die unvollständig oder unrichtig sind, so können Sie jederzeit deren Berichtigung bzw. deren Vervollständigung verlangen

Recht auf Datenübertragbarkeit: Sie können verlangen, dass A1 Telekom Austria AG die bereitgestellten Daten in einem strukturierten, gängigen und maschinenlesbaren Format zur Verfügung stellt, sofern
− diese Daten aufgrund einer erteilten und widerrufbaren Zustimmung oder zur Erfüllung eines Vertrages verarbeitet werden, und
− diese Verarbeitung mithilfe automatisierter Verfahren erfolgt.

Recht auf Berichtigung: Verarbeitet A1 Telekom Austria AG Ihre Daten zur Wahrnehmung von im öffentlichen Interesse liegenden Aufgaben, zur Ausübung öffentlicher Gewalt oder beruft sich bei der Verarbeitung auf die Notwendigkeit zur Wahrung ihres berechtigten Interesses, so können Sie gegen diese Datenverarbeitung Widerspruch einlegen, sofern ein überwiegendes Schutzinteresse an den Daten besteht.

Kann ich erteilte Einwilligungen widerrufen?
Erfolgt die Verarbeitung der personenbezogenen Daten auf Grundlage einer von Ihnen erteilten Einwilligung, so haben Sie jederzeit das Recht, die Einwilligung zu widerrufen, ohne dass die Rechtmäßigkeit der aufgrund der Einwilligung bis zum Widerruf erfolgten Verarbeitung berührt wird.

Wohin kann ich mich wenden?
Sind Sie der Meinung, dass wir bei der Verarbeitung Ihrer Daten gegen österreichisches oder europäisches Datenschutzrecht verstoßen, so ersuchen wir Sie, mit uns Kontakt aufzunehmen, um allfällige Fragen aufklären zu können.
Sie haben selbstverständlich auch das Recht, sich bei der österreichischen Datenschutzbehörde (, sowie auch bei einer Aufsichtsbehörde innerhalb der EU zu beschweren

Was passiert, wenn ich meine personenbezogenen Daten nicht bereitstellen möchte?
Die Bereitstellung der personenbezogenen Daten ist für die Erbringung der vertraglich geschuldeten Leistung erforderlich, bei Nichtbereitstellung kann ein Vertragsabschluss möglicherweise nicht zustande kommen.

Erfolgen automatisierte Entscheidungsfindungen bei A1?
Zu den oben genannten Verarbeitungszwecken erfolgt keine automatisierte Entscheidungsfindung durch A1 Telekom Austria AG, die rechtliche Wirkung entfaltet oder Sie in ähnlicher Weise erheblich beeinträchtigt.

Wo finde ich weitere Informationen?
Weitere Informationen zum Thema Datenschutz bei A1 finden Sie auf

Zudem haben wir uns auch dem Code of Conduct für Internet Service Provider (ISP) unterworfen. In diesen Verhaltensregeln wird auf branchenspezifische Besonderheiten, die sich etwa aus der Regulierung im Telekommunikationsbereich ergeben, eingegangen. Nähere Informationen dazu finden Sie auf

Privacy Policy Babbel

Who is responsible for data processing and how can I reach A1’s Data Protection Officer?
A1 Telekom Austria AG ("A1")
Lassallestraße 9
1020 Vienna

Data Protection at A1
At A1, the secure and sensitive handling of data is a top priority. You can trust that we will handle your data securely – this is very important to us. Therefore, we comply with European and national data protection regulations, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Data Protection Act (DSG), and the Telecommunications Act (TKG). A key part of this is to make our data protection regulations transparent for all those affected.

Which personal data is processed?
To use the service A1 Language Courses by Babbel (“Service”), a registration link for activating the service is sent to the customer. The subscription is billed via the A1 invoice, taking into account the customer's current subscription status.

Where does the personal data come from?
The personal data is provided to us by you, the data subject.

On what legal basis is the data processed?
If you enter into a contract with us for the service, we process personal data to fulfill the contract (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR). If you have given us your consent, which can be revoked at any time (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR), we will process your data to provide you with information about our services or third-party services/products for up to three years after the end of our contractual relationship. We use the following communication channels, provided you have given them to us: phone, email, SMS, post, or social media channels.

To whom is the personal data transmitted?
A1 cooperates with its partner, Mondia Media Germany GmbH, and Babbel GmbH to provide the agreed contractual services.

Is data transmitted to a third country or an international organization?
The personal data is not transmitted to a third country or an international organization.

How long will my personal data be processed?
We delete your personal data after all legal retention obligations have expired. Storage beyond the duration of the contractual relationship occurs only if this data is still needed to settle or collect fees, process complaints (there is a three-month appeal period), or fulfill other legal obligations, such as under the Federal Fiscal Code (§ 207f BAO) or the Commercial Code (§ 212 UGB). Your data will be retained for 7 years (from the end of the contract) due to proper accounting and pending audits by the tax authorities (§ 207f BAO), unless longer retention is necessary due to ongoing proceedings. Books and records, as well as documents associated with them, will also be retained as long as they are relevant to pending proceedings. Of course, access to the aforementioned data will be restricted so that only those employees who perform processing for the purposes mentioned above can access it.

What rights do I have if my personal data is processed?
Right of Access: You can request confirmation as to whether and to what extent A1 Telekom Austria AG processes your data. To protect the data, we may need to verify your identity.

Right to Rectification: If A1 Telekom Austria AG processes personal data that is incomplete or incorrect, you can request that it be corrected or completed at any time.

Right to Erasure: You can request the deletion of personal data if A1 Telekom Austria AG unlawfully processes it or the processing disproportionately interferes with legitimate protection interests. However, there may be reasons that prevent immediate deletion, such as in the case of legally regulated retention obligations.

Right to Restriction of Processing: You can request the restriction of the processing of your data if
− you dispute the accuracy of the data, for a period that allows us to verify the accuracy of the data,
− the processing is unlawful, but you refuse deletion and instead request the restriction of data use,
− A1 Telekom Austria AG no longer needs the data for the intended purpose, but you need this data to assert or defend legal claims, or
− you have objected to the processing of the data.

Right to Data Portability: You can request that A1 Telekom Austria AG provides the data you have provided in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format, provided that
− this data is processed based on consent or a revocable agreement, and
− this processing is carried out using automated procedures.

Right to Object: If A1 Telekom Austria AG processes your data to perform tasks in the public interest, exercise official authority, or relies on the need to protect its legitimate interest in processing, you can object to this data processing if there is an overriding protection interest in the data.

Can I withdraw my consent?
If the processing of personal data is based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent before its withdrawal.

Where can I turn?
If you believe that we have violated Austrian or European data protection law in processing your data, we ask that you contact us to clarify any questions. You also have the right to complain to the Austrian Data Protection Authority ( or any supervisory authority within the EU.

What happens if I do not want to provide my personal data?
Providing personal data is required for the provision of the contractual service; without providing it, a contract conclusion may not be possible.

Are there automated decision-making processes at A1?
For the above-mentioned processing purposes, A1 Telekom Austria AG does not carry out automated decision-making that has legal effects or similarly significantly affects you.

Where can I find more information?
Further information on data protection at A1 can be found at In addition, we have also committed to the Code of Conduct for Internet Service Providers (ISPs). These rules take into account industry-specific characteristics, such as those arising from regulation in the telecommunications sector. More information can be found at the link provided above.

Privacy Policy Fastic

Who is responsible for data processing and how can I reach A1’s Data Protection Officer?
A1 Telekom Austria AG ("A1")
Lassallestraße 9
1020 Vienna

Data Protection at A1
At A1, the secure and sensitive handling of data is a top priority. You can trust that we will handle your data securely – this is very important to us. Therefore, we comply with European and national data protection regulations, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Data Protection Act (DSG), and the Telecommunications Act (TKG). A key part of this is to make our data protection regulations transparent for all those affected.

Which personal data is processed?
To use the service Fastic (“Service”), a registration link for activating the service is sent to the customer. The subscription is billed via the A1 invoice, taking into account the customer's current subscription status.

Where does the personal data come from?
The personal data is provided to us by you, the data subject.

On what legal basis is the data processed?
If you enter into a contract with us for the service, we process personal data to fulfill the contract (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR). If you have given us your consent, which can be revoked at any time (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR), we will process your data to provide you with information about our services or third-party services/products for up to three years after the end of our contractual relationship. We use the following communication channels, provided you have given them to us: phone, email, SMS, post, or social media channels.

To whom is the personal data transmitted?
A1 cooperates with its partner, Mondia Media Germany GmbH, and Fastic GmbH to provide the agreed contractual services.

Is data transmitted to a third country or an international organization?
The personal data is not transmitted to a third country or an international organization.

How long will my personal data be processed?
We delete your personal data after all legal retention obligations have expired. Storage beyond the duration of the contractual relationship occurs only if this data is still needed to settle or collect fees, process complaints (there is a three-month appeal period), or fulfill other legal obligations, such as under the Federal Fiscal Code (§ 207f BAO) or the Commercial Code (§ 212 UGB). Your data will be retained for 7 years (from the end of the contract) due to proper accounting and pending audits by the tax authorities (§ 207f BAO), unless longer retention is necessary due to ongoing proceedings. Books and records, as well as documents associated with them, will also be retained as long as they are relevant to pending proceedings. Of course, access to the aforementioned data will be restricted so that only those employees who perform processing for the purposes mentioned above can access it.

What rights do I have if my personal data is processed?
Right of Access: You can request confirmation as to whether and to what extent A1 Telekom Austria AG processes your data. To protect the data, we may need to verify your identity.

Right to Rectification: If A1 Telekom Austria AG processes personal data that is incomplete or incorrect, you can request that it be corrected or completed at any time.

Right to Erasure: You can request the deletion of personal data if A1 Telekom Austria AG unlawfully processes it or the processing disproportionately interferes with legitimate protection interests. However, there may be reasons that prevent immediate deletion, such as in the case of legally regulated retention obligations.

Right to Restriction of Processing: You can request the restriction of the processing of your data if
− you dispute the accuracy of the data, for a period that allows us to verify the accuracy of the data,
− the processing is unlawful, but you refuse deletion and instead request the restriction of data use,
− A1 Telekom Austria AG no longer needs the data for the intended purpose, but you need this data to assert or defend legal claims, or
− you have objected to the processing of the data.

Right to Data Portability: You can request that A1 Telekom Austria AG provides the data you have provided in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format, provided that
− this data is processed based on consent or a revocable agreement, and
− this processing is carried out using automated procedures.

Right to Object: If A1 Telekom Austria AG processes your data to perform tasks in the public interest, exercise official authority, or relies on the need to protect its legitimate interest in processing, you can object to this data processing if there is an overriding protection interest in the data.

Can I withdraw my consent?
If the processing of personal data is based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent before its withdrawal.

Where can I turn?
If you believe that we have violated Austrian or European data protection law in processing your data, we ask that you contact us to clarify any questions. You also have the right to complain to the Austrian Data Protection Authority ( or any supervisory authority within the EU.

What happens if I do not want to provide my personal data?
Providing personal data is required for the provision of the contractual service; without providing it, a contract conclusion may not be possible.

Are there automated decision-making processes at A1?
For the above-mentioned processing purposes, A1 Telekom Austria AG does not carry out automated decision-making that has legal effects or similarly significantly affects you.

Where can I find more information?
Further information on data protection at A1 can be found at In addition, we have also committed to the Code of Conduct for Internet Service Providers (ISPs). These rules take into account industry-specific characteristics, such as those arising from regulation in the telecommunications sector. More information can be found at the link provided above.

Privacy Policy Kidjo

Who is responsible for data processing and how can I reach A1’s Data Protection Officer?
A1 Telekom Austria AG ("A1")
Lassallestraße 9
1020 Vienna

Data Protection at A1
At A1, the secure and sensitive handling of data is a top priority. You can trust that we will handle your data securely – this is very important to us. Therefore, we comply with European and national data protection regulations, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Data Protection Act (DSG), and the Telecommunications Act (TKG). A key part of this is to make our data protection regulations transparent for all those affected.

Which personal data is processed?
To use the service Kidjo (“Service”), a registration link for activating the service is sent to the customer. The subscription is billed via the A1 invoice, taking into account the customer's current subscription status.

Where does the personal data come from?
The personal data is provided to us by you, the data subject.

On what legal basis is the data processed?
If you enter into a contract with us for the service, we process personal data to fulfill the contract (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR). If you have given us your consent, which can be revoked at any time (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR), we will process your data to provide you with information about our services or third-party services/products for up to three years after the end of our contractual relationship. We use the following communication channels, provided you have given them to us: phone, email, SMS, post, or social media channels.

To whom is the personal data transmitted?
A1 cooperates with its partner, Mondia Media Germany GmbH, and KIDJO Inc to provide the agreed contractual services.

Is data transmitted to a third country or an international organization?
The personal data is not transmitted to a third country or an international organization.

How long will my personal data be processed?
We delete your personal data after all legal retention obligations have expired. Storage beyond the duration of the contractual relationship occurs only if this data is still needed to settle or collect fees, process complaints (there is a three-month appeal period), or fulfill other legal obligations, such as under the Federal Fiscal Code (§ 207f BAO) or the Commercial Code (§ 212 UGB). Your data will be retained for 7 years (from the end of the contract) due to proper accounting and pending audits by the tax authorities (§ 207f BAO), unless longer retention is necessary due to ongoing proceedings. Books and records, as well as documents associated with them, will also be retained as long as they are relevant to pending proceedings. Of course, access to the aforementioned data will be restricted so that only those employees who perform processing for the purposes mentioned above can access it.

What rights do I have if my personal data is processed?
Right of Access: You can request confirmation as to whether and to what extent A1 Telekom Austria AG processes your data. To protect the data, we may need to verify your identity.

Right to Rectification: If A1 Telekom Austria AG processes personal data that is incomplete or incorrect, you can request that it be corrected or completed at any time.

Right to Erasure: You can request the deletion of personal data if A1 Telekom Austria AG unlawfully processes it or the processing disproportionately interferes with legitimate protection interests. However, there may be reasons that prevent immediate deletion, such as in the case of legally regulated retention obligations.

Right to Restriction of Processing: You can request the restriction of the processing of your data if
− you dispute the accuracy of the data, for a period that allows us to verify the accuracy of the data,
− the processing is unlawful, but you refuse deletion and instead request the restriction of data use,
− A1 Telekom Austria AG no longer needs the data for the intended purpose, but you need this data to assert or defend legal claims, or
− you have objected to the processing of the data.

Right to Data Portability: You can request that A1 Telekom Austria AG provides the data you have provided in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format, provided that
− this data is processed based on consent or a revocable agreement, and
− this processing is carried out using automated procedures.

Right to Object: If A1 Telekom Austria AG processes your data to perform tasks in the public interest, exercise official authority, or relies on the need to protect its legitimate interest in processing, you can object to this data processing if there is an overriding protection interest in the data.

Can I withdraw my consent?
If the processing of personal data is based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent before its withdrawal.

Where can I turn?
If you believe that we have violated Austrian or European data protection law in processing your data, we ask that you contact us to clarify any questions. You also have the right to complain to the Austrian Data Protection Authority ( or any supervisory authority within the EU.

What happens if I do not want to provide my personal data?
Providing personal data is required for the provision of the contractual service; without providing it, a contract conclusion may not be possible.

Are there automated decision-making processes at A1?
For the above-mentioned processing purposes, A1 Telekom Austria AG does not carry out automated decision-making that has legal effects or similarly significantly affects you.

Where can I find more information?
Further information on data protection at A1 can be found at In addition, we have also committed to the Code of Conduct for Internet Service Providers (ISPs). These rules take into account industry-specific characteristics, such as those arising from regulation in the telecommunications sector. More information can be found at the link provided above.

Privacy Policy My Montessori

Who is responsible for data processing and how can I reach A1’s Data Protection Officer?
A1 Telekom Austria AG ("A1")
Lassallestraße 9
1020 Vienna

Data Protection at A1
At A1, the secure and sensitive handling of data is a top priority. You can trust that we will handle your data securely – this is very important to us. Therefore, we comply with European and national data protection regulations, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Data Protection Act (DSG), and the Telecommunications Act (TKG). A key part of this is to make our data protection regulations transparent for all those affected.

Which personal data is processed?
To use the service Edoki(“Service”), a registration link for activating the service is sent to the customer. The subscription is billed via the A1 invoice, taking into account the customer's current subscription status.

Where does the personal data come from?
The personal data is provided to us by you, the data subject.

On what legal basis is the data processed?
If you enter into a contract with us for the service, we process personal data to fulfill the contract (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR). If you have given us your consent, which can be revoked at any time (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR), we will process your data to provide you with information about our services or third-party services/products for up to three years after the end of our contractual relationship. We use the following communication channels, provided you have given them to us: phone, email, SMS, post, or social media channels.

To whom is the personal data transmitted?
A1 cooperates with its partner, Mondia Media Germany GmbH, and Edoki Academy SAS to provide the agreed contractual services.

Is data transmitted to a third country or an international organization?
The personal data is not transmitted to a third country or an international organization.

How long will my personal data be processed?
We delete your personal data after all legal retention obligations have expired. Storage beyond the duration of the contractual relationship occurs only if this data is still needed to settle or collect fees, process complaints (there is a three-month appeal period), or fulfill other legal obligations, such as under the Federal Fiscal Code (§ 207f BAO) or the Commercial Code (§ 212 UGB). Your data will be retained for 7 years (from the end of the contract) due to proper accounting and pending audits by the tax authorities (§ 207f BAO), unless longer retention is necessary due to ongoing proceedings. Books and records, as well as documents associated with them, will also be retained as long as they are relevant to pending proceedings. Of course, access to the aforementioned data will be restricted so that only those employees who perform processing for the purposes mentioned above can access it.

What rights do I have if my personal data is processed?
Right of Access: You can request confirmation as to whether and to what extent A1 Telekom Austria AG processes your data. To protect the data, we may need to verify your identity.

Right to Rectification: If A1 Telekom Austria AG processes personal data that is incomplete or incorrect, you can request that it be corrected or completed at any time.

Right to Erasure: You can request the deletion of personal data if A1 Telekom Austria AG unlawfully processes it or the processing disproportionately interferes with legitimate protection interests. However, there may be reasons that prevent immediate deletion, such as in the case of legally regulated retention obligations.

Right to Restriction of Processing: You can request the restriction of the processing of your data if
− you dispute the accuracy of the data, for a period that allows us to verify the accuracy of the data,
− the processing is unlawful, but you refuse deletion and instead request the restriction of data use,
− A1 Telekom Austria AG no longer needs the data for the intended purpose, but you need this data to assert or defend legal claims, or
− you have objected to the processing of the data.

Right to Data Portability: You can request that A1 Telekom Austria AG provides the data you have provided in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format, provided that
− this data is processed based on consent or a revocable agreement, and
− this processing is carried out using automated procedures.

Right to Object: If A1 Telekom Austria AG processes your data to perform tasks in the public interest, exercise official authority, or relies on the need to protect its legitimate interest in processing, you can object to this data processing if there is an overriding protection interest in the data.

Can I withdraw my consent?
If the processing of personal data is based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent before its withdrawal.

Where can I turn?
If you believe that we have violated Austrian or European data protection law in processing your data, we ask that you contact us to clarify any questions. You also have the right to complain to the Austrian Data Protection Authority ( or any supervisory authority within the EU.

What happens if I do not want to provide my personal data?
Providing personal data is required for the provision of the contractual service; without providing it, a contract conclusion may not be possible.

Are there automated decision-making processes at A1?
For the above-mentioned processing purposes, A1 Telekom Austria AG does not carry out automated decision-making that has legal effects or similarly significantly affects you.

Where can I find more information?
Further information on data protection at A1 can be found at In addition, we have also committed to the Code of Conduct for Internet Service Providers (ISPs). These rules take into account industry-specific characteristics, such as those arising from regulation in the telecommunications sector. More information can be found at the link provided above.

Privacy Policy StudySmarter

Who is responsible for data processing and how can I reach A1’s Data Protection Officer?
A1 Telekom Austria AG ("A1")
Lassallestraße 9
1020 Vienna

Data Protection at A1
At A1, the secure and sensitive handling of data is a top priority. You can trust that we will handle your data securely – this is very important to us. Therefore, we comply with European and national data protection regulations, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Data Protection Act (DSG), and the Telecommunications Act (TKG). A key part of this is to make our data protection regulations transparent for all those affected.

Which personal data is processed?
To use the service StudySmarter(“Service”), a registration link for activating the service is sent to the customer. The subscription is billed via the A1 invoice, taking into account the customer's current subscription status.

Where does the personal data come from?
The personal data is provided to us by you, the data subject.

On what legal basis is the data processed?
If you enter into a contract with us for the service, we process personal data to fulfill the contract (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR). If you have given us your consent, which can be revoked at any time (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR), we will process your data to provide you with information about our services or third-party services/products for up to three years after the end of our contractual relationship. We use the following communication channels, provided you have given them to us: phone, email, SMS, post, or social media channels.

To whom is the personal data transmitted?
A1 cooperates with its partner, Mondia Media Germany GmbH, and StudySmarter GmbH to provide the agreed contractual services.

Is data transmitted to a third country or an international organization?
The personal data is not transmitted to a third country or an international organization.

How long will my personal data be processed?
We delete your personal data after all legal retention obligations have expired. Storage beyond the duration of the contractual relationship occurs only if this data is still needed to settle or collect fees, process complaints (there is a three-month appeal period), or fulfill other legal obligations, such as under the Federal Fiscal Code (§ 207f BAO) or the Commercial Code (§ 212 UGB). Your data will be retained for 7 years (from the end of the contract) due to proper accounting and pending audits by the tax authorities (§ 207f BAO), unless longer retention is necessary due to ongoing proceedings. Books and records, as well as documents associated with them, will also be retained as long as they are relevant to pending proceedings. Of course, access to the aforementioned data will be restricted so that only those employees who perform processing for the purposes mentioned above can access it.

What rights do I have if my personal data is processed?
Right of Access: You can request confirmation as to whether and to what extent A1 Telekom Austria AG processes your data. To protect the data, we may need to verify your identity.

Right to Rectification: If A1 Telekom Austria AG processes personal data that is incomplete or incorrect, you can request that it be corrected or completed at any time.

Right to Erasure: You can request the deletion of personal data if A1 Telekom Austria AG unlawfully processes it or the processing disproportionately interferes with legitimate protection interests. However, there may be reasons that prevent immediate deletion, such as in the case of legally regulated retention obligations.

Right to Restriction of Processing: You can request the restriction of the processing of your data if
− you dispute the accuracy of the data, for a period that allows us to verify the accuracy of the data,
− the processing is unlawful, but you refuse deletion and instead request the restriction of data use,
− A1 Telekom Austria AG no longer needs the data for the intended purpose, but you need this data to assert or defend legal claims, or
− you have objected to the processing of the data.

Right to Data Portability: You can request that A1 Telekom Austria AG provides the data you have provided in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format, provided that
− this data is processed based on consent or a revocable agreement, and
− this processing is carried out using automated procedures.

Right to Object: If A1 Telekom Austria AG processes your data to perform tasks in the public interest, exercise official authority, or relies on the need to protect its legitimate interest in processing, you can object to this data processing if there is an overriding protection interest in the data.

Can I withdraw my consent?
If the processing of personal data is based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent before its withdrawal.

Where can I turn?
If you believe that we have violated Austrian or European data protection law in processing your data, we ask that you contact us to clarify any questions. You also have the right to complain to the Austrian Data Protection Authority ( or any supervisory authority within the EU.

What happens if I do not want to provide my personal data?
Providing personal data is required for the provision of the contractual service; without providing it, a contract conclusion may not be possible.

Are there automated decision-making processes at A1?
For the above-mentioned processing purposes, A1 Telekom Austria AG does not carry out automated decision-making that has legal effects or similarly significantly affects you.

Where can I find more information?
Further information on data protection at A1 can be found at In addition, we have also committed to the Code of Conduct for Internet Service Providers (ISPs). These rules take into account industry-specific characteristics, such as those arising from regulation in the telecommunications sector. More information can be found at the link provided above.

Privacy Policy 7Mind

Who is responsible for data processing and how can I reach A1’s Data Protection Officer?
A1 Telekom Austria AG ("A1")
Lassallestraße 9
1020 Vienna

Data Protection at A1
At A1, the secure and sensitive handling of data is a top priority. You can trust that we will handle your data securely – this is very important to us. Therefore, we comply with European and national data protection regulations, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Data Protection Act (DSG), and the Telecommunications Act (TKG). A key part of this is to make our data protection regulations transparent for all those affected.

Which personal data is processed?
To use the service 7Mind(“Service”), a registration link for activating the service is sent to the customer. The subscription is billed via the A1 invoice, taking into account the customer's current subscription status.

Where does the personal data come from?
The personal data is provided to us by you, the data subject.

On what legal basis is the data processed?
If you enter into a contract with us for the service, we process personal data to fulfill the contract (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR). If you have given us your consent, which can be revoked at any time (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR), we will process your data to provide you with information about our services or third-party services/products for up to three years after the end of our contractual relationship. We use the following communication channels, provided you have given them to us: phone, email, SMS, post, or social media channels.

To whom is the personal data transmitted?
A1 cooperates with its partner, Mondia Media Germany GmbH, and 7Mind GmbH to provide the agreed contractual services.

Is data transmitted to a third country or an international organization?
The personal data is not transmitted to a third country or an international organization.

How long will my personal data be processed?
We delete your personal data after all legal retention obligations have expired. Storage beyond the duration of the contractual relationship occurs only if this data is still needed to settle or collect fees, process complaints (there is a three-month appeal period), or fulfill other legal obligations, such as under the Federal Fiscal Code (§ 207f BAO) or the Commercial Code (§ 212 UGB). Your data will be retained for 7 years (from the end of the contract) due to proper accounting and pending audits by the tax authorities (§ 207f BAO), unless longer retention is necessary due to ongoing proceedings. Books and records, as well as documents associated with them, will also be retained as long as they are relevant to pending proceedings. Of course, access to the aforementioned data will be restricted so that only those employees who perform processing for the purposes mentioned above can access it.

What rights do I have if my personal data is processed?
Right of Access: You can request confirmation as to whether and to what extent A1 Telekom Austria AG processes your data. To protect the data, we may need to verify your identity.

Right to Rectification: If A1 Telekom Austria AG processes personal data that is incomplete or incorrect, you can request that it be corrected or completed at any time.

Right to Erasure: You can request the deletion of personal data if A1 Telekom Austria AG unlawfully processes it or the processing disproportionately interferes with legitimate protection interests. However, there may be reasons that prevent immediate deletion, such as in the case of legally regulated retention obligations.

Right to Restriction of Processing: You can request the restriction of the processing of your data if
− you dispute the accuracy of the data, for a period that allows us to verify the accuracy of the data,
− the processing is unlawful, but you refuse deletion and instead request the restriction of data use,
− A1 Telekom Austria AG no longer needs the data for the intended purpose, but you need this data to assert or defend legal claims, or
− you have objected to the processing of the data.

Right to Data Portability: You can request that A1 Telekom Austria AG provides the data you have provided in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format, provided that
− this data is processed based on consent or a revocable agreement, and
− this processing is carried out using automated procedures.

Right to Object: If A1 Telekom Austria AG processes your data to perform tasks in the public interest, exercise official authority, or relies on the need to protect its legitimate interest in processing, you can object to this data processing if there is an overriding protection interest in the data.

Can I withdraw my consent?
If the processing of personal data is based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent before its withdrawal.

Where can I turn?
If you believe that we have violated Austrian or European data protection law in processing your data, we ask that you contact us to clarify any questions. You also have the right to complain to the Austrian Data Protection Authority ( or any supervisory authority within the EU.

What happens if I do not want to provide my personal data?
Providing personal data is required for the provision of the contractual service; without providing it, a contract conclusion may not be possible.

Are there automated decision-making processes at A1?
For the above-mentioned processing purposes, A1 Telekom Austria AG does not carry out automated decision-making that has legal effects or similarly significantly affects you.

Where can I find more information?
Further information on data protection at A1 can be found at In addition, we have also committed to the Code of Conduct for Internet Service Providers (ISPs). These rules take into account industry-specific characteristics, such as those arising from regulation in the telecommunications sector. More information can be found at the link provided above.